Wearable art moves out in the world. It influences people.
A. Handwoven garments are a kind of armor that enhances.
B. Handwoven cloth puts beauty in the world.
C. The drape of the handwoven fabric gives comfort, not unlike a hug.
The warps on the loom are my canvas and are rich with color and texture. Never content to follow a weaving draft, I push the boundaries to achieve an effect or tell a story.
This image is "Raindrops on a Windowpane." I gambled on the shrink differences of the combined warp yarns. After the fabric was washed and dried, one of the yarns bubbled up, creating the look of a drop of water. Perfect! Come see me at the art fairs and ask me about the other stories behind the work.
Wear your handwoven garment. Help make the world a beautiful place.