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Karen Gelbard
Dec 28, 20231 min read
Help me choose four!
Could you help me choose four images? It is application time for shows, and they want to see our most recent work. I have not had a photo...

Karen Gelbard
Aug 20, 20231 min read
The ABCs of why I make wearable art
Wearable art moves out in the world. It influences people. A. Handwoven garments are a kind of armor that enhances. B. Handwoven cloth...

Karen Gelbard
Apr 11, 20231 min read
Sharing my excitement
As a designer/handweaver, which part comes first? It takes a life-time of learning a craft to get to place where an idea can be executed...
Karen Gelbard
Oct 23, 20221 min read
New Work in the Store
I have been slowly adding new pieces to the website store and removing all that have sold. In addition, custom orders are getting filled...

Karen Gelbard
May 5, 20221 min read
Sharing the exhibit with you
I am the featured artist in the Fiber Arts Studio Gallery exhibit that runs through June 19 at the Lincoln City Cultural Center. For this...

Karen Gelbard
Apr 17, 20221 min read
2022 Exhibit and Sale
You are invited to meet the artist Opening reception April 29, 5-7 PM Fiber Arts Studio Gallery, Lincoln City Cultural Center 540 NE Hwy...

Karen Gelbard
Apr 10, 20221 min read
Dress forms are starting to fill up my studio!
Each of these dress forms is waiting for a new garment. If you are wondering what the excitement is all about, April 29 - June 19, 2022...

Karen Gelbard
Dec 2, 20211 min read
See it in December. Online or in person.
December starts with two special events. First, there is a Special Edition Issue of Tearsheet PDX magazine of my new work! In this issue,...

Karen Gelbard
Oct 28, 20212 min read
Behind the scenes of a photoshoot
Last month, Melanie Jackson of TearSheet PDX magazine asked me if I was interested in having a photoshoot of my new work. She knew that I...

Karen Gelbard
Feb 14, 20211 min read
Loom Music
There is a relationship between reading music and reading a weaving draft. Both are on a staff and use notation. Music is not just about...
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